Jesus Withdrawal

The most isolated fortress in Herod Antipas’ territory, which was called Perea, was Machaerus.  Here you can see the flat topped mountain of the Machaerus fortress.  There are excavations of the fortress at the top. John the Baptist baptized along the Jordan in...

Servant Parables in Luke 14

An important concept  . . . the parables of servant-hood are grouped together in the text. Luke 14:7-11. When he noticed how the guests chose the places of honor, he told them a parable.  “When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, do not sit down at...

Parables of the Kingdom

Reversal of human priorities is a common theme in parables of the kingdom and they are meant to shock.  Whenever you hear the phrase, “The Kingdom of God is like,” sit down and hold on because the illustration is going to be different than human standards...