Page 2 - EIA FlipBookVersion
P. 2

Dear Friend of Encounters in Archaeology;
    These days the first two questions we often ask one another are;
    “How are you doing?” and “How are your loved ones doing?”
    Few of us thought that even the smallest things we might do, such
    as one person’s cough, can overturn a stranger’s life.  While many
    of us may feel alone remaining at home, please know you are
    in our thoughts and prayers.  We have been blessed to know so
    many of you through the trips and lectures we have shared; your
    faces and memories we made often come to mind.  It is important
    for us to figuratively offer to hold each other’s hands in this time of
    need.  More than perhaps ever before, we recognize that we are
    in this together, and we all need to strengthen and encourage one
           We know you are aware that the many non-profit
    organizations are pleading for money now, but we don’t want
    that to be the tone of this letter.  We thank God, we are doing fine.
    Our small staff is on furlough now as a way of cooperating with
    good health principles.  In this letter we simply want you to know
    the facts.  During this beautiful time of spring growth, Hannaniah
    and I are trying to keep up the maintenance at our new museum
    property and working on a few improvements as we are able.
    As you may have observed in our weekly email newsletters, we
    are working towards continuing to develop the first phase of
    development on the Secrets of the Seas Courtyards, (Red
    Sea, Dead Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and the Sea of Galilee)
    which surround our lecture hall.

           We understand that many people’s minds are full of
    new concerns now, but we want to suggest what might be a less
    difficult way of showing your support of the museum in these trying
    We call it the Fellowship of the Widow’s Mite.
    Perhaps you recall the Gospel story of “The Widow’s Mite”. Mk
    12:41-44 – “He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the
    crowd putting money into the treasury.  Many rich people put in
    large sums.  A poor widow came and cast in two  small bronze
    coins, which are worth a penny.  Then he called his disciples and
    said to them ‘ This poor widow has put in more than all those who
    are contributing to the treasury.  For all of them have contributed
    out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in
    everything she had, all she had to live on.’”
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